Walachia Int’l Film Festival – Remnants of the Past World

We got an invite from Walachia Film Festival

Reel Goldstar – a team dedicated to delivering high-quality content, we were thrilled to receive positive reviews and publicity for our Web-Series Remnants of the Past World second episode.

Our hard work and dedication to our craft paid off when we received a notification on 07.09.2021 that our episode “Smuggler” had been officially accepted into the selection of the third Wallachia Film Festival in Bucharest, Romania.

This international film festival receives submissions from all over the world and being accepted is a testament to the quality of our work. We are honoured to have the opportunity to showcase our episode at the festival and can’t wait for the world to see it.

The representative from the Wallachia Film Festival was instrumental in helping us submit our episode to the festival. We are grateful for their support and look forward to future opportunities to work with them.

We will continue to work hard and strive for excellence in all of our productions. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting news in the future. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for our Web-Series Remnants of the Past World.

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